
All classes include manuals and certificates of completion. Call for the supply lists, recommended reading, current schedules and location. Some supplies and books may need to be ordered… please call in advance and bring everything with you to the class.
Some private classes are available. You must show proof of your completion of the classes or seminars before beginning any course requiring prerequisites.
This Reiki I (Usui Lineage) class is taught in the traditional Reiki format. It is a two day course taught in 6-8 hours. You learn the history of Reiki, energy centers of the body, healing techniques and you receive (the traditional) 4 attunements, a manual and are certified as a Reiki practitioner.
Prerequisite: None
The class Reiki with Color Therapy introduces you to a variety of uses for and of colors. You are taught different color healing modalities from many different schools of thought. This class helps you to understand and apply the deeper workings of color in your body, diet, surroundings, and the auras of people you work with. This class is made for those of you who are interested in utilizing the power of color in your everyday lives. Reiki with Color Therapy is a must for those who want to see and read auras.
Prerequisite: Reiki I
This class is designed for those who want to know more about the body. Learn to listen to your intuition (and how to turn it on or off), learn to use a pendulum to measure energy and get answers for you about your work and your clients, understand where emotions are stored in the body, mental causes for physical illnesses, advanced chakra training, yin and yang, some Oriental Diagnosis, (physical) energy work, the layers of emotions/bodies/colors, special techniques for specific ailments, systems of the body, glands, and more.
Prerequisite: Reiki I
The class Reiki with gemstones allows you to tune yourself with the stones you are working with and how to utilize their energies for “drawing out,” grounding and healing. This class teaches you how to tell which stones are the best for which session, what they mean and do- physically, metaphysically, energetically and emotionally. You learn about sensing their energies, meditation and placement. This class is a must for those who are interested in working with natural, Earthy healing energies.
Prerequisite: Reiki I, (Reiki with Color Therapy, Reiki Deeper Healing, or previous experience is recommended)
The class Reiki with Channeling taps you into the Divine…Learn how to utilize Reiki to help you understand different states of consciousness and protect yourself. This class teaches you deeper working with energies and your Higher Self. After taking this course you will have a solid, firm foundation in understanding where channeled information comes from, what it really is and how it all works. After taking this class you will be able to explain it simply, dispel any myths or misinformation people have received and “do” it…comfortably and accurately. This class is a must for those who are interested in increasing their intuition and raising their vibration.
Prerequisite: Reiki I
Get your business started! In this class you refine your goals, create a plan, and get the ins and outs of running your own Reiki/Healing/Alternative Health practice. This class is a grounding class to build your confidence, set your business on the path that creates the outcome you are looking for and prepare you for the business world. You learn how to focus your energy on what you want while building a business and living a life of abundance, balance and harmony.
Prerequisite: Reiki I
* Reiki & Business is an optional class and will not be included in any other class as a prerequisite. It was created for your benefit as a small business owner.
In this Reiki II class you receive the traditional Usui Reiki II attunements, symbol training and history, techniques in how to utilize and enhance your treatments, and distance healing.
Prerequisites: Reiki I (Reiki Deeper Healing is strongly recommended)
In the class Reiki with psychic abilities you learn how to use Reiki to help develop your psychic abilities. Understand intuition, dreams and how to use Reiki to astral travel. Reiki can help you to connect deeper within and to the Universe. Use the techniques learned in Reiki II to enhance other forms of distance healing, heal yourself and to move you through time and space. Reiki can help us to empower and clear our homes, cars, offices, all our spaces.
Prerequisites: Reiki I, Reiki with Channeling, Reiki II (Reiki with Color Therapy and Reiki Deeper Healing is strongly recommended)
Advanced Reiki and Energy Work
In Advanced Reiki and Energy Work you delve into the inner workings of The Mind and Spirit. This class picks up where Reiki and Channeling leaves off and includes what Reiki and Psychic Abilities leaves out. The class Advanced Reiki and Energy Work has valuable information for people of all religions, backgrounds and belief systems. This class covers other energies, rays, vibrations, spirit attachments, ghosts, imprints, the astral world and the Akashic Records, Higher Self, spirit guides, Angels, Guides and Gate Keepers, psychic attack, karma, Divine Laws and Nature’s Laws vs. Human Laws, life path and life purpose, life lessons, thought projection and much, much more. This class is a must for those who are interested in metaphysics and consciousness.
Prerequisites: Reiki I, Reiki with Channeling, Reiki II, Reiki with Psychic Abilities
Reiki combined with Hypnosis and Meditation Techniques
This class prepares you for leading individual and group meditations/sessions and how to do it. This class teaches you how to lead people into a relaxed state and be confident in doing it. You can help your clients get in touch with themselves during sessions, clear their minds, and expand your practice. You create the perfect guided meditations for different sessions that resonate with you and are perfect for all of your clients. This class is a great introduction to working with groups and you get a calm, comfortable atmosphere to write your own classes, brainstorm ideas, network and practice! This course includes a tape/cd and download to balance your chakras while using the Reiki hand placements and Light visualization.
Prerequisites: Reiki I, Reiki with Channeling, Reiki II, Advanced Reiki and Energy Work (Reiki with Color Therapy, Reiki Deeper Healing, or previous experience is recommended)
We live in a magical world. Use Reiki along with colors, the elements, candles, herbs, gemstones and crystals, visualization and rituals to manifest what you want…love, peace, forgiveness, work, whatever you can imagine! Remember Magick is a creative energy force and Reiki connects us to the Divine and our Higher Selves… You are channeling Universal Life Force energy. The possibilities of what you can create are endless!
Prerequisites: Reiki I, Reiki with Color Therapy, Reiki Deeper Healing, Reiki with Gemstones, Reiki with Channeling, Reiki with Psychic Abilities, Reiki II, Advanced Reiki and Energy Work
(Just for you!) Reiki with Magick I taught you the basics and class II is designed for you to give some time and energy to yourself, your life, and your goals. What is it that you truly desire, secretly wish for or dream about…doing, being or having? This class is for you use all of the skills you have learned in all of your Reiki classes, focus them-physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually- and use the power of your subconscious mind. This class is manifestation at its finest… Finally a class that is dedicated to exactly what you want. Call for supply list and have your “topic” in mind. (Everyone’s list will be different-depending on what you are creating)
* Reiki with Magick I & II is an optional class and will not be included in any class as a prerequisite or recommended course. It was created for your enjoyment, personal education/knowledge and enlightenment. Honestly, it’s just plain fun. And, the added bonus…is that it works. Classes I & II are signed up for at one time. The same prerequisites apply to both classes. Supply list will vary in each class.
(Non-Traditional) In this Reiki Master class you will learn how to attune students of Reiki I and Reiki II, symbol training, outlines for teaching Reiki I and Reiki II in a one and two day format and you receive your teaching manual. You must bring your Reiki I and Reiki II manuals you were taught from and all your certifications.
Prerequisites and supplies: Reiki I, Reiki II, manuals and all your certifications (Reiki with Business is strongly recommended)
*In person or phone interview required.
This course gives you the time, the outline and the structure to write your own Reiki I manual for the class that you have been trained to teach. One of the benefits of being a non-traditional Reiki Master is that you have the freedom to choose what you want to teach and how you want to teach it. This class outlines what you need to teach in a Reiki I class (there are some guide lines that need to be followed) and gives you ideas and guidance of what else you may want to add and information that will benefit your potential students.
Reiki Master Manual Writing II
This course, like the Reiki Master Manual Writing I class, gives you the time, the outline and the structure to write your own Reiki II manual. Reiki II has less information that is required that you include in your manual but greater opportunity to make this seminar fabulous and exciting! In this class you will set goals, focus on various distance healing techniques and gather more information for a full, well rounded manual. This class is designed for you to create a manual that will fill your roster and for you to write a manual that your students will savor.
Reiki Master Manual Writing III
Get your creative juices flowing! This class compliments and pulls together Reiki Master Manual Writing I and Reiki Master Manual Writing II to teach you how to write other courses that compliment your Reiki I and Reiki II classes and everything you have already incorporated in them. This helps you to design courses for your before, after and in between your Reiki I and Reiki II classes and seminars. Create reading material that is as enjoyable as it is useful. Imagine all of the wonderful and insightful knowledge you can share with the “right” lay out! The potential for the new extra curricular courses and seminars is enormous!
Reiki Master Non-Traditional/Reiki III
As a Reiki Master, you have been teaching classes and attuning and certifying Reiki I and Reiki II practitioners. This is your next step…You are teaching and attuning Reiki Masters so that they may go on and do what you have been doing; teaching, sharing, enlightening people and making Reiki available to all those who seek it. In this Reiki Master Non-Traditional/Reiki III class you will learn how to attune students to be Reiki Masters. This class covers how to teach your students to attune a Reiki Master, all of the symbol training, various outlines for teaching your Reiki Master class. We go over in detail what you are going to include in your training classes, how to pick/accept students and what you require of them. We also discuss and review teaching Reiki I and Reiki II and what your students need to know about the difference about teaching traditionally and non-traditionally. You learn symbol training, the attunement process and how to teach it and explain it. You are teaching teachers how to be teachers and how to pick their understudies. What an amazing opportunity to reach out to various communities, help people help and empower themselves by attuning and teaching, and passing on your knowledge. You receive a teaching manual and an attunement to open up your third eye and enhance your psychic abilities.
Prerequisites and supplies: Reiki I, Reiki II, manuals you have been taught from and all your certifications, manuals you have been teaching from and a copy of your Reiki I and Reiki II certificates that you award your students. (Reiki with Business is strongly recommended)
*In person or phone interview, application and essay required.
Reiki Master Non-Traditional/Reiki III Manual Writing
Teaching people how to be teachers is a huge responsibility and teaching it well is an art. This course fine tunes your teaching and writing skills and helps you to incorporate everything you have learned as a Reiki Master, so that you are able to pass it on to your students in a clear, concise way. You have the experience now to know what you would have done differently and how you would have improved the manuals you have written and classes you have taught. This course pulls it all together; the result…a beautiful manual and well prepared new Reiki Masters. This class is wonderful practice and great for networking.
The Reiki Master/Reiki III prerequisites apply to this course. Reiki with Business is strongly recommended.
Reiki III is often called “The Soul Level”
In this traditionally taught Reiki III class, you receive the traditional Usui attunements, symbol training and you receive training in Shamanic Soul Retrieval and Past and Future Lives. This is an extremely powerful class.
Prerequisites: Reiki I, Reiki with Channeling, Reiki II, Reiki combined with Hypnosis and Meditation Techniques, Advanced Reiki and energy work, and personal experience in therapy, past life regressions, Shamanism and Soul Retrieval (previous certifications in this area recommended)
*In person interview, application and essay required.
In this class you are prepared to become a Traditional Reiki Master. You are taught the differences between traditional and non-traditional Reiki I, Reiki II and Reiki III classes, attunements and teaching styles and programs. This class is designed for the serious Reiki student. Research, writing, practice, attunements and teaching are incorporated in this course. Personal therapy, past life regressions, in-between life therapy, future life therapy/life progressions, and Shamanic Soul Retrieval is required. Certifications in these areas are strongly recommended. This class prepares you for the essay and tests that you will take as a Traditional Reiki Master.
*In person interview, application and essay required.
Passing the Reiki Master Prep Class is required before applying for the Traditional Reiki Master class. The Traditional Reiki Master prerequisites apply to this course. Reiki with Business is strongly recommended.
(Traditional) In this traditional Usui Reiki Master class, you will learn how to attune students of Reiki I and Reiki II, symbol training, teaching instructions for the traditional Usui lineage, and you receive a teaching manual for you and Reiki I and Reiki II manuals for your students.
Prerequisites: Reiki I (traditional), Reiki with Channeling, Reiki II (traditional), Reiki combined with Hypnosis and Meditation Techniques, Advanced Reiki and Energy Work, Reiki III (traditional), Reiki Master (non-traditional), Reiki III/ Reiki Master Non-Traditional, personal experience in past life regressions and/or previous certifications in that area and the Reiki Master Prep Class (Reiki with Business, Reiki Master Manual Writing I, Reiki Master Manual Writing II and Reiki Master Manual Writing III is strongly recommended)
*In person interview, application and essay required.
The traditional Reiki Master Teacher attunement is for those few who have chosen Reiki as a Life Path…This attunement is for people who are truly dedicated to healing themselves and the planet and working with, teaching and helping others to heal themselves. Solid personal and energetic boundaries and a firm foundation and understanding of personal, individual and global responsibility is a must for this course. In this class you receive traditional symbol training and your Reiki Master Teacher attunement. You will also learn how to attune students of Reiki III, Reiki III symbol training, teaching instructions for the traditional Usui lineage, and you receive a teaching manual for you and a Reiki III manual for your students. You are certified as a Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher.
This will truly change your life.
*In person interview, application and essay required.
This Karuna Attunement is considered the Usui method of “Compassionate Action”
In this class you will receive a traditional Usui Karuna attunement and symbol training. There aren’t any words to describe the oneness felt during and after this attunement. It is rumored this opens your Universal Love Chakra.
*In person or phone interview required.
This class is available to Reiki III, Reiki Master (traditionally or non-traditionally taught and attuned) and Reiki Master Teacher certified individuals only; must show proof of certifications before beginning this class.